To rank or reorder the foods in the search results by nutrient:
- To select the nutrient, in the Analysis Pane, click the nutrient of interest.
OR Click the <Nutrient> tab in the middle pane of the Query view, then in the drop-down menu, click the nutrient. - In the middle pane, click the title of the column (the unit of analysis) by which you want to rank the results. To change the order of the ranking (from ascending or descending, or vice versa), click the title of the column again.
You can order the foods by the nutrient value per:
- 100g
- 1MJ (the value for the quantity of the food or recipe that contributes 1MJ of energy)
- 100gDW (the value for 100g of the food or recipe where all water has been removed, that is, on a 'dry weight basis')