To enter foods into a diet or meal plan document (such as a Food Record, 24 Hour Recall or Meal Plan):
- Click the Foods tab.
- If applicable, start a new day: In the Day column, type the date or name of the day, then press Enter.
- If applicable, start a new meal: In the Meal column, type the name of the meal, then press Enter.
- In the Food column, type part of the food name. A list of matching foods (the food selection list) is shown.
- Use the arrow keys or the mouse to highlight an item you wish to select. Press Enter to select the item and insert it into the foods grid. (You can choose to use keywords to guide you through the list - for more information, see How do I set the nutrient values for a document?.)
- In the Quantity column, type the number of units for the measure that you want to use.
- Use the arrow keys to select the measure that you want to use, or type the first few letters of the measure name. Then press Enter.
- Repeat steps 4 to 7 for each food in the meal.
- Repeat from step 3 to enter the next meal.
- Repeat step 2 to enter the next day.
- If the Day or Meal column is not showing, point to the title of any column in the grid. Right-click, then select the name of the column you want to show.
- To expand a meal or day, click the + (plus) sign. To collapse a meal or day, click the - (minus) sign.
- To find the source of a food or recipe in the food selection list: In the list, highlight the item. The source (a data source or folder) is shown at the bottom of the list.
- To show the food selection list at any time, in the Food column, press F2.
- To create a new document from within the grid: In the Foods tab, in the Food column, type new recipe or new food. Type the name of the document, select the required folder, then click OK.
- You can set various options for selecting foods, including whether or not to use keywords. See How do I set options for selecting foods?.
- Use a new row for each day, meal and food. You can not enter a day, meal or food on the same row.
- Avoid typing in long words; they will not refine the search much and increase the chance of misspellings. For example, type cabb for cabbage. In general, typing 3-4 letters for each of the words in the food name is a better approach.
- The food selection list shows reference foods from the available data sources and recipes and foods from your FoodWorks folders.You can choose what is shown in the food selection list. See How do I choose datasources (food selections) for a database?.
- Alternatively, you can enter a quick list of food descriptions and then later match these to foods from the food selection list: see How do I enter a quick list of foods?.
- A diet is a FoodWorks document such as a 24 hour recall or food record. You can also work with food frequencies. The types of documents available to you depend on the type of FoodWorks database that you have open. See What is a database?
Related Questions
How do I show or hide a column in the Foods or Ingredients grid?
How do I set options for selecting foods?
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