To enter an ingredient into a recipe or sub-recipe:
- Click the Ingredients tab.
- In the Ingredient column, type part of the food name. A list of matching foods (the food selection list) will be shown.
- Follow the prompts at the bottom of the food selection list box to select the item your require. Then press Enter.
- In the Quantity column, type the number of units for the measure that you want to use.
- Use the arrow keys to select the measure that you want to use, or type the first few letters of the measure name. Then press Enter.
- Avoid typing in long words; they will not refine the search much and increase the chance of misspellings. For example, type cabb for cabbage. In general, typing 3-4 letters for each of the words in the food name is a better approach.
- To find the source of a food or recipe, in the food selection list, highlight (select) the item. The source (a folder or data source) is shown at the bottom of the list.
- While you are entering foods or recipes into a document, you can create a new one on the fly. In the Ingredient column, type new, then select the type of document. Type the name for the document, select the required folder, then click OK.
- To add a note, type it in the Note column.
- You can rename, show or hide columns in the ingredients grid.
- An ingredient might be another document, such as a food or recipe OR it might be a reference food from a data source.
- In the food selection list, keywords are shown at the top of the list to guide you through the list of foods to the item of your choice. You can switch this option off or on. See Options for selecting from the list of foods below.
- The actual columns that are visible depend on the document template that you have chosen. For more information, see What is a document template?
Options for selecting from the list of foods
To set options for the way you search for foods: At the bottom of the food selection list, click the ... (ellipsis) button:
- The Show Keywords option makes it easier to find the correct food to use by showing a list of keywords. By default, keywords are shown at the top of the list. To find the food you want, select the keyword, then press Enter to show foods which match both the words you have typed, and the keyword you have selected.
- The Auto Select First Item option lets you choose whether the first food that matches what you have typed is selected. To quickly enter food names in a first pass, ensure Auto Select First Item is not selected, then simply type the food name and press Enter without first selecting a food from the list. On a second pass you can choose the foods to use. To start the second pass: click the first food name in the foods grid, then press F2.
- Single Click Select option lets you click an item in the food selection list just once to insert it into the grid. (Otherwise a double-click is required.)