To set the nutrient values for a document, overriding those automatically calculated by FoodWorks:
- In the open document, click the Nutrients or Overrides tab.
- On the left, click the category of nutrient that you wish to work with. In the Override column, type the value for each nutrient, and press Enter.
- Optionally, type a note in the Notes column.
FoodWorks now uses the specified value for these nutrients.
- If you wish to override all the nutrient values, you may wish to set them to 0 or to ? (unknown) as a first step. To do this, select the appropriate option from the Base Analysis On drop-down menu. Then enter override values as desired.
- You can base the nutrient analysis for the document on another document in your database or on a reference food from a data source, and then override any as desired. See How do I base nutrient analyses on another food?
- Some nutrients are used in calculating the result for other nutrients. For example, carbohydrate is used to calculate total energy. These relationships are shown using coloured lines and arrows. See How do I show nutrient relationships?
- The Default column shows the given nutrient values, or those calculated automatically by FoodWorks. The Override column is where you can enter your own value for a nutrient. The Result column, shows the final result for that nutrient, with any overrides taken into account.
- If there are no ingredients for the recipe, then when you leave a nutrient value blank it results in an unknown value for that nutrient.
- If you have fatty acids enabled for this database: To set fatty acid values to zero or ? (unknown), select the appropriate option from the Base Fatty Acids On drop-down menu.
- If you have glycemic index values enabled for this database: To set GI values to zero or ? (unknown), select the appropriate option from the Base GI On drop-down menu.
- If you have flavonoid values enabled for this database: To set flavonoid values to zero or ? (unknown), select the appropriate option from the Base Flavonoids On drop-down menu.
- A document tab can be hidden or have a different name depending on the document template used. For example, the Nutrients tab might be called Nutrients & Components, or the Notes tab, Remarks. For more information on document templates, see What is a document template?