To set the options for Country of Origin, Date Marking and Net Weight for all labels generated in this database:
- On the FoodWorks toolbar, click Label.
- At the bottom of the Label window, click Label Options.
- In the Options box, click one of the label sections to select it.
- On the right, set properties as desired for that section. See below for information on these properties.
- Repeat for other sections as required.
- Click OK to apply changes and close the dialog OR click Apply to apply changes and continue using the dialog.
- On the FoodWorks toolbar, click Save.
You can set the following properties for each of the label sections:
- Whether to show that section of the label.
- The case (capitalisation) used for the section.
- To set the font for your labels, click Other Options.
- If you choose to show a section generally for all labels in the database, but for an individual label you do not supply any data for the section, then it is not shown.
- These settings apply to all the labels in this database rather than per document.