To declare a Recipe, Sub-Recipe or Raw Material as a reconstituted ingredient when it appears as an ingredient on nutrition labels:
- In the open document, click the General tab, then click the Label Declaration drop-down button.
- Click Reconstituted Ingredient.
- In the Declaration Name box, type the name that you want to appear in nutrition labels.
Optional - To assign this ingredient to an ingredient group, either type a new ingredient group name or select an existing group from the drop-down.
- In the Statement (>5%) box, type the ingredient statement to be used if the ingredient comprises more than 5% of the total recipe.
- From the Statement <5% drop-down button:
- Select Alternate for an ingredient statement to be used if the ingredient comprises less than 5% of the total recipe. Then type the statement.
- Select Same as above if the same ingredient statement applies in both cases.
- Select No Declaration if no ingredient list will be declared on the label if the ingredient is less than 5% of the total recipe.
- In the Rate box, enter the ratio at which this raw material will be reconstituted. For example, to dilute 1 litre of the raw material with 4 litres of water, in the Rate box, enter 5.
Ingredient Groups
Ingredient Groups are categories you define - such as fruit, nuts, milk products - to group ingredients when they appear in the ingredient list of a nutrition label. This allows an ingredient to be declared in ingredient lists as part of that group e.g. if the raw materials cashews and almonds have been assigned to the group nuts, then they can appear in labels as nuts (cashews, almonds).
- If you want a raw material to be assigned to an ingredient group, such as nuts or milk products: In the Ingredient Group box, either type a new ingredient group name or select an existing one from the drop-down.
- When you create a new ingredient group by typing it into a document, this ingredient group now appears in the drop-down list for other documents in this database.
- Note that to use an ingredient group in a label for a particular recipe you need to set the properties for the label: Open the recipe, and on the FoodWorks toolbar, click Label, then select the ingredient group on the Ingredients tab. See How do I set the characterising ingredients and components for a label?